Surf Safe
This Web site is almost always under attack. That’s not surprising, and it’s also true of almost every Web site on the Internet. The people and programs who do it hope to hurt you, not us. They hope to slip software onto innocent Web sites that can then slip onto the computers of millions of Web users like you. The most common reason is to get your money.
Rappahannock Astronomy Club uses a Web software system called WordPress because it makes it very easy for us to get information out to you. WordPress is very popular. That’s the reason it is also a popular target. Attackers regularly try to get into every WordPress site, over and over again, hoping to slip into one of them. This week the computer news has featured a new attack on WordPress sites. This site has remained safe so far. I hope I’ll always be able to say that.
Your best defense is to use a modern Web browser and keep it up to date. Even good manufacturers find and fix weaknesses in their browsers often sometimes weekly. The attackers know about the weaknesses, and that is the opening they try to slip through. Let your chosen vendor apply updates regularly, and you are keeping those openings closed.