2013 Meeting Schedule

Date Location Speaker Topic
January 9 2013 CRRLHeadquarters Open forum Your new astro gear
February 13 2013 CRRLHeadquarters Jerry Hubbell Engineering a Fiber-fed Spectrometer for Astronomical Use
March 20 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Scott Lansdale VLF Radio Astronomy
April 17 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Glenn Holliday The Adventures of Voyager Across the Solar Heliopause
May 15 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Open Forum General Member Activity – Q&A
June 19 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Joe Francis Neutron Stars
July 17 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Jerry Hubbell Engineering Your Astronomical Imaging System (AIS)
Saturday August 23 2013 Belmont Observatory NONE Annual picnic (members only)
September 18 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Ranny Heflin DSLR Imaging with the Hubble Pallette
October 16 2013 † Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Brenda Conway Messenger Mission Update
November 20 2013 ‡ Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
NONE Club Election
December 18 2013 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room at

Maury School
Bart Billard Kepler Mission Update

† Club officer nominations. ‡ Club elections.