Glenn Faini

Glenn’s Astrophotography Gallery

I have been interested in astronomy since the 3rd grade when my class took a field trip to the Hayden Planetarium during the peak of the Apollo space program. I did my 6th-grade science fair project on Comet Kohoutek. As a senior in college, I took my first astronomy course and was introduced to Guy Ottewell’s Astronomical Companion and Astronomical Calendars. They inspired me to design and build a 3D model of the Local Group of Stars for display in Clarkson College’s science building.

It wasn’t until the 1997 appearance of Comet Hale Bopp that I became an active amateur astronomer. Later that year I got my first telescope, a Celestron C80 on a Vixen Polaris GEM. The following spring I joined the Southern Maryland Astronomical Society.

I moved to Virginia in 2002 and joined RAC in January 2003. Being an amateur photographer I needed a motorized mount to dabble in astrophotography, so I added a Celestron NexStar 102SLT, Celestron 8SE, and Celestron CGEM Series Mount to my arsenal of equipment.

In 2013 I completed a Duke University Astrophysics course with distinction.

I retired in 2018 and am honored to be serving as president of RAC since January 2019, and as one of the founding directors of MSRO Science, Inc.