Terry Barker
Follow Mars to His Double Star Lair – Sky & Telescope
This week and early next, the nearly full Moon will make deep-sky viewing nearly impossible, but Mars will be untouched, as will that other category of stellar gems, double stars. Neither is affected much by moonlight, so bring it on.
Source: Follow Mars to His Double Star Lair – Sky & Telescope
Meteor shower tonight
Be sure to go outside tonight, to see one of the best meteor showers of them all. The Perseids Meteor Shower will peak tomorrow morning around 2 am EST, but there should be plenty to see all night long. Just … Continue reading →
Eclipse Thursday
Solar eclipse tomorrow afternoon-Warning: Don’t stare. Even at maximum eclipse, a sliver of sun peeking out from behind the Moon can still cause pain and eye damage. Direct viewing should only be attempted with the aid of a safe solar … Continue reading →
Ripples in space time?
Were ripples in the fabric of space time truly discovered this past March? This is a World Science Festival live stream event, enabling you to listen to a singular conversation, among the world’s most respected pioneers in cosmological theory and observation. … Continue reading →