RAC’s calendar of events is accessible in the RAClub Yahoo group. You must be a Yahoo member to see it. Once you’re a member, you’ll be able to post messages, upload pictures, and access the group’s calendar. These areas are not accessible to the public.
.If you already have a Yahoo user ID, then just go to groups.yahoo.com and search for RAClub. Then click on the purple +Join Group button.
To access the different areas within the group’s page, select one of the items in the horizontal navigation bar, which is just beneath the header picture. You’ll see:
Conversations Photos Files More
Go to the RAClub calendar by clicking on More, then the.Events selection. This will show you all the events that are scheduled for the club–star parties, outreach events, club meeting dates, and other events.
In addition, once you’re a member of the RAClub Yahoo group, you’ll get astronomy updates via email from the club’s Yahoo administrator.