RAC holds a club meeting every month. Meetings usually begin with an educational program followed by a business session. Guests are always welcome.

Programs cover astronomy topics of interest and range from how to use a telescope, to astrophotography, to current topics in the science of astronomy. They often provide an excellent learning experience for people who are just getting started in astronomy.

The program is followed by a business session. Guests are welcome to remain for the business session but may not vote on motions.

Loaner equipment is available to members only and is normally checked out and returned at club meetings.

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month from 7-9 PM. Except as announced, the club meeting location is:

Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting Room, Old Maury School, 900 Barton Street #111, Fredericksburg, VA.

Visitors are invited to come early and meet club members.

Introductions, meet & greet 6:45 to 7:00 PM.
Program presentation starts at 7:00 PM.
Business session starts at approx. 8:00 PM.
Meeting concludes at 9:00 PM.

There is a parking lot in front of Old Maury School, entrance from Barton Street.

2016 Meeting Schedule

Date Location Speaker Topic
January 20 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
All Remote Observatory Program Planning
February 17 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
 Ron Henke Rare Earth – Are we alone?
March 16 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
All Remote Observatory Program Review
April 20 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
Bart Billard Kepler Update
May 18 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
Jerry Hubbell Telescope Mounts
June 15 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
Tom Watson Astrophotography Without the Telescope
July 20 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
Scott Lansdale Astronomy News
August Private home Club picnic Not a public event, members will receive email with details
September 21 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
Pluto Scott Lansdale
October 19 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
Glenn Holliday History of Astronomy
November 16 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School
NONE Club Elections
December 21 2016 Central Rappahannock Heritage Center Meeting
Room at Maury School

Speakers and programs are subject to change or cancellation. Check the monthly club meeting announcement on the RAC home page before each meeting for updated news.

Meeting Minutes

2016 Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2015 May Jun
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Aug Nov Dec
2010 Feb