Star parties are gatherings to observe the night sky with others. Many people join clubs like RAC because observing with the club is more fun than observing alone. That’s the “party” part of a star party. It’s also a chance to socialize, ask questions, learn new things, and see/try new gear.

RAC generally offers free, public, family-friendly star parties every month on a Saturday near a New Moon. When the Moon is in the sky, it’s a good night to look at the Moon and little else; when the Moon is not in the sky, it’s a good night to look at everything else.

Weather permitting, star parties are held at Caledon State Park and at the VDOT parking lot in Bowling Green.  For info and directions:

Map to Bowling Green Star Party Location:

Map to bowling green star party location.

Star parties are also held at Caledon State Park, on VA Route 218 in King George.

Star parties require clear skies. If the forecast is for cloudy skies, the event will be canceled. We make a decision based on the forecast — and if, by chance, the clouds do disappear in the evening, the event remains canceled nonetheless. Be sure to check the “DON’T MISS” banner at the top of the front page of this website after 12 noon on the same day to confirm the location(s) of the star party(ies) and that the expected weather is suitable.

Come out and enjoy the night sky through amateur telescopes. And, if you’re thinking about purchasing a telescope, you’ll also get a chance to look through a variety of telescopes to help you chose the right one.  Plan to arrive shortly before sunset and stay as long as telescopes are on the field.

2025 RAC Star Party Schedule

Caledon State Park:
James River State Park:

Messier Marathon

If you arrive after dusk, please try to enter the telescope field using only parking lights because bright lights reverse visual night adaptation of those already observing. People bringing telescopes should arrive before sunset to allow time for equipment setup without the need for bright lights. If you need help with your new telescope, allow extra time by arriving early – club members will be busy setting up their own scopes and will need the extra time to help newcomers.

For more on what to expect when attending a star party, check out What is a Star Party? and Star Party Etiquette.

Looking for something to observe? Visit Observing the Night Sky to view resources for planning your observing session.

Once each year, RAC holds a special all-night star party called a Messier Marathon. For special circumstances, RAC can arrange a public outreach event for your organization, school, or Scout group.

Belmont Observatory Events

Simultaneously to star parties, anyone who wishes to bring their own equipment and to set up at Belmont Observatory in Spotsylvania are welcome.   Members who wish to come to Belmont observatory are asked to make an appointment, by phone call or text message.  New members who need coaching in either general astronomy or the use of their own equipment are welcome to Belmont Observatory, and assistance is offered upon request.

  • Belmont Observatory observing–email

Outreach Star Parties

In addition to our regularly scheduled open-to-the-public monthly star parties, RAC also arranges public outreach events for schools, parks, Scouts, and other community groups. Introducing the public to the night sky is a key part of our club’s mission. Contact our event coordinator to set up an event for your group. If you are a Scout group, contact our Scouting Coordinator. If you would like to schedule a program for your school other than observing the sky, contact our School Programs Coordinator.

Outreach Star Party Schedule – Contact: Corey Dallmeyer

Public Outreach Bowling Green Lot

See our Outreach and Scouting pages for more.