2010 Meeting Schedule, Programs & Speakers *
Date Location Speaker

January 13 CRRL Headquarters Club Members "Grab-and-Go Scopes" show and tell
  February 10 CRRL Headquarters No Program Meeting cancelled due to snow
 March 10 CRRL Headquarters Robert Taylor "Radio Astronomy and SETI"
April 14 CRRL Salem Church Michael Masters "Outfitting the Compleat Astronomer!"
May 12 CRRL Salem Church Scott Busby "Webcam Astrophotography"
June 9 CRRL Headquarters Brenda Conway "Mercury"
July 14 CRRL Headquarters Michael Masters "Measuring the Universe" Part I
August 7 Caledon Natural Area No Program No Program - Club Picnic
September 8 CRRL Headquarters Michael Masters "Measuring the Universe" Part II
October 25 † CRRL Headquarters Joseph Francis "Black Holes" (Date rescheduled due to library renovations)
November 10 ‡ CRRL Headquarters No Program No Program - Club Election Meeting
December 8 CRRL Headquarters Glenn Holliday "Astronomy Camp at the University of Arizona"
* Speakers and programs are subject to change or cancellation. Check the monthly club meeting announcement at the upper right corner of the RAC home page before each meeting for updated news of actual program and speaker.
† Club officer nominations. ‡
Club elections.