Happy New Year, all. Our 2016 schedules are posted for star parties and monthly meetings and programs. Come out with us, look at the skies, and have fun with Rappahannock Astronomy Club.
Category Archives: News
RAClub’s Mark Slade Remote Observatory Project on Astronomy.fm
Tune in on Friday, December 11, at 9 p.m. to hear Myron Wasiuta and Jerry Hubbell talk about the club’s Mark Slade Remote Observatory project with Astronomy.fm’s Marty Kunz. Just go to the website and click on the “Pop Up Player” in the upper left of the homepage to listen in. Myron and Jerry will discuss the vision, progress, and future plans for the observatory.
Link to Astronomy.FM Remote Observatories interview recording now available
Just click here if you missed the live interview of RAClub members Jerry Hubbell and Linda Billard, along with their co-author Rich Williams of Sierra Stars Observatory Network (SSON), on Astronomy.fm radio talking about their recently released Springer book, Remote Observatories for Amateur Astronomers: Using High-Powered Telescopes from Home.
Planned December Star Party Cancelled
Sorry, everybody, but on December 5 Caledon needs the park, so we have to cancel our scheduled December 5 star party. We are starting to plan out 2016 events, so watch for us to announce the next star party.
Continue reading →Program for October 21 Meeting–Lunar Observing and Imaging
Jerry Hubbell’s topic will be “Tools for Lunar Observing and Imaging.” He will talk about the tools he finds most useful in creating his beautiful high-resolution lunar images. Topics will include references such as his favorite lunar atlases, preferred software tools (e.g., Registax and Photoshop), and tips and tricks you may find useful in both observing and photographing the Moon to its best advantage. He will also play the Voice of America videos made recently about our club, including interviews with Scott Busby and himself.
Updated Program Topic for Sept 16 Meeting
Bart’s topic will be “Chasing Shadows–Measuring Faint Asteroids with a DSLR.” He will talk about his recent success in catching an asteroid as it caused a star to briefly disappear. He’ll describe how amateurs can use a DSLR camera to photograph and pinpoint the time of such events. The talk will also include a brief update on the Kepler mission..