Teaching the Boy Scout Astronomy Merit Badge

This is my lesson plan for the 2004 requirements.

See also my lesson plan for the 2011 requirements.

Each requirement of the merit badge is accompanied by my notes on how to learn and complete the requirement. I also have an introduction to hand out to Scouts.

  1. Describe the proper clothing and other precautions for safely making observations at night and in cold weather. Tell how to safely observe the Sun, objects near the Sun, and the Moon. Explain first aid for injuries or illnesses, such as heat and cold reactions, dehydration, bites and stings, and damage to your eyes that could occur during observation.

    You need more protection from cold than when camping. Observing has no sunlight and is inactive. Plan for 20 degrees colder than the actual temperature.

    First aid for eye damage:

    Protect your eyes.  After they are damaged, there is no first aid other than seeking immediate medical help from an eye doctor.  

    Symptoms of eye damage:

    • pain
    • blurred vision
    • flash blindness
    • Sunburn to cornea or to retina

    Corneal flash burn is a sunburn of the cornea. Recovery varies. For more medical information, see this article.

  2. Explain what light pollution is and how it and air pollution affect astronomy.
  3. With the aid of diagrams (or real telescopes if available), do each of the following:
    1. Explain why binoculars and telescopes are important astronomical tools. Demonstrate or explain how these tools are used.
    2. Describe the similarities and differences of several types of astronomical telescopes.

      Examples of types of telescopes:

      • Refractor
      • Reflector
      • Schmidt-Cassegrain

      Examples of types of mounts:

      • Altitude-azimuth
      • Equatorial
      • Dobsonion
    3. Explain the purposes of at least three instruments used with astronomical telescopes.

      Examples of instruments used with telescopes:

      • Finder
      • 1x sight
      • Planisphere
      • Star charts
      • Camera
      • Spectroscope
      • Reticle
      • Alignment tools
      • Red light
  4. Do the following:
    1. Identify in the sky at least 10 constellations, at least four of which are in the zodiac.

      Prominent constellations of each season

      Season Prominent Constellations Zodiacal Constellations
      • Ursa Major
      • Ursa Minor
      • Bootes
      • Hercules
      • Corvus
      • Lyra
      • Gemini
      • Cancer
      • Leo
      • Virgo
      • Libra
      • Scorpius (low, rising)
      • Ursa Major
      • Ursa Minor
      • Bootes
      • Hercules
      • Corvus
      • Lyra
      • Cygnus
      • Aquila
      • Summer Triangle (asterism: Vega, Deneb, Altair)
      • Virgo (low, setting)
      • Libra
      • Scorpius
      • Sagittarius
      • Capricornus
      • Aquarius
      • Cygnus
      • Aquilla
      • Lyra
      • Pegasus
      • Andromeda
      • Cassiopea
      • Cephus
      • Libra (low, setting)
      • Scorpius
      • Sagittarius
      • Capricornus
      • Aquarius
      • Pisces
      • Orion
      • Canis Major
      • Pegasus
      • Andromeda
      • Cassiopea
      • Cephus
      • Perseus
      • Cetus
      • Auriga
      • Winter Triangle (asterism: Betelgeuse, Sirius, Procyon)
      • Aquarius
      • Pisces
      • Aries
      • Taurus
      • Gemini (low, rising)
    2. Identify at least eight conspicuous stars, five of which are of magnitude 1 or brighter.

      Conspicuous stars of each season

      Season Star Look in Constellation
      Spring Dubhe Ursa Major
      Merak Ursa Major
      pair: Mizar and Alcor Ursa Major
      Regulus Leo
      Arcturus Bootes
      Altair Aquila
      Spica Virgo
      Vega Lyra
      Antares Scorpius
      Capella Auriga
      Castor Gemini
      Pollux Gemini
      Deneb (low) Cygnus
      Summer Vega Lyra
      Antares Scorpius
      Fall Altair Aquilla
      Formalhaut (low in the south) Picis Austrinus
      Deneb Cygnus
      Winter Sirius (brightest star in the sky) Canis Major
      Capella Auriga
      Rigel Orion
      Betelgeuse Orion
      Procyon Canis Minor
      Aldebaran Taurus

      All the Magnitude 1 stars

      Name Constellation Best Season Color Size
      Sirius Canis Major Winter White Dwarf
      Canopus Carina Southern hemisphere summer White to yellowish Supergiant
      Rigil Kentaurus Centaurus Southern hemisphere winter Yellow Dwarf
      Acturus Bootes Spring Orange Giant
      Vega Lyra Summer White Dwarf
      Capella Auriga Winter Yellow Giant
      Rigel Orion Winter Blue Supergiant
      Procyon Canis Minor Winter White Subgiant
      Achernar Eriadnus Always visible in the far southern hemisphere White Dwarf
      Betelgeuse Orion Winter Red Supergiant
      Agena or Hadar Centaurus Southern hemisphere winter Blue Giant
      Altair Aquila Fall White Dwarf
      Acrux Crux Always visible in the far southern hemisphere Blue Subgiant
      Aldebaran Taurus Winter Orange Giant
      Spica Virgo Spring Blue Dwarf
      Antares Scorpius Summer Red Supergiant
      Pollux Gemini Spring Orange (some say yellow) Giant
      Fomalhaut Piscis Austrinus Fall White Dwarf
      Mimosa (Beta Crucis) Crux Always visible in the far southern hemisphere Blue Giant
      Deneb Cygnus Fall White Supergiant
      Regulus Leo Spring Blue Dwarf
    3. Make two sketches of the Big Dipper. In one sketch, show the Big Dipper's orientation in the early evening sky. In another sketch, show its position several hours later. In both sketches, show the North Star and the horizon. Record the date and time each sketch was made.
    4. Explain what we see when we look at the Milky Way.
  5. Do the following:
    1. List the names of the five most visible planets. Explain which ones can appear in phases similar to lunar phases and which ones cannot, and explain why.
    2. Find out when each of the five most visible planets that you identified in requirement 5a will be observable in the evening sky during the next 12 months, then compile this information in the form of a chart or table. Update your chart monthly to show whether each planet will be visible during the early morning or in the evening sky.
  6. At approximately weekly intervals, sketch the position of Venus, Mars or Jupiter in relation to the stars. Do this for at least four weeks and at the same time of night. On your sketch, record the date and time next to the planet's position. Use your sketch to explain how planets move.
  7. Do the following:
    1. Sketch the face of the moon and indicate at least five seas and five craters. Label these landmarks.
    2. Sketch the phase and the daily position of the Moon at the same hour and place, for a week. Include landmarks on the horizon such as hills, trees, and buildings. Explain the changes you observe.
    3. List the factors that keep the Moon in orbit around Earth.
    4. With the aid of diagrams, explain the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon at the times of lunar and solar eclipses, and at the times of new, first-quarter, full, and last-quarter phases of the Moon.
  8. Do the following:
    1. Describe the composition of the Sun, its relationship to other stars, and some effects of its radiation on Earth's weather. Define sunspots and describe some of the effects they may have on solar radiation.
    2. Identify at least one red star, one blue star, and one yellow star (other than the Sun). Explain the meaning of these colors.

      Colored stars of each season

      Season Color Star Look in Constellation
      Spring blue Regulus Leo
      Vega Lyra
      red Arcturus * Bootes
      yellow Capella Auriga
      yellow Castor Gemini
      yellow Pollux Gemini
      Rho Cassiopeiae Cassiopea
      Summer blue Vega Lyra
      red Antares Scorpius
      yellow Albiero Cygnus
      Winter blue Rigel Orion
      red Betelgeuse Orion
      Aldebaran Taurus  

      * Some references class Arcturus as red and some as yellow. It appears to the eye as a red star, but it is not very red. In the Secchi classification, Arcturus is in Class II, which are yellow stars. In the Spectral Class classification, Arcturus is in Class K, which are orangish stars slightly cooler than the Class G yellow stars.

  9. With your counselor's approval and guidance, do ONE of the following:
    1. Visit a planetarium or astronomical observatory. Submit a written report, a scrapbook, or a video presentation afterward to your counselor that includes the following information:
      1. Activities occurring there
      2. Exhibits and displays you saw
      3. Telescopes and instruments being used
      4. Celestial objects you observed

      List of planetariums near the Rappahannock Astronomy Club

      Albert Einstein Planetarium
      National Air and Space Museum
      Smithsonian Institution
      Washington, D.C
      Davis Planetarium
      Maryland Science Center
      Baltimore, Maryland
      Hopkins Planetarium
      Science Museum of Western Virginia
      Roanoke, Virginia
      John C. Wells Planetarium
      James Madison University
      Harrisonburg, Virginia
      free shows on Saturdays
      Science Museum of Virginia Planetarium
      Richmond, Virginia

      List of observatories near the Rappahannock Astronomy Club

      Fan Mountain Observatory
      University of Virginia
      14 miles south of Charlottesville, off of US-29
      Each April and October, a public night is held. Tickets, which are free, are required.
      Green Bank Telescope
      Green Bank, West Virginia
      The Science Center is open some days
      Keeble Observatory
      Randolph Macon College
      Ashland, Virginia
      The Keeble Observatory will be closed for public viewing until September, when the College returns for Fall Semester.
      Leander McCormick Observatory
      University of Virginia
      Mount Jefferson
      Charlottesville, Virginia
      McCormick Observatory is open to the public on the first and third Friday night of each month (except holidays).
      United States Naval Observatory
      WSashington, D. C.
      The observatory has received an overwhelming number of applications for tour reservations. Due to the backlog it is not accepting any new tour requests until further notice.
      University of Maryland Observatory
      College Park, Maryland
      Open house on selected nights
    2. Plan and participate in a three-hour observation session that includes using binoculars or a telescope. List the celestial objects you want to observe, and find each on a star chart or in a guidebook. Prepare an observing log or notebook. Show your plan, charts, and log or notebook to your counselor before making your observations. Review your log or notebook with your counselor afterward.

      Importance of planning:

      • What’s visible this time of year?
      • Limits of observing site on horizon obstructions, light pollution
      • Effect of moonlight
      • Equipment suitable to types of objects you wish to observe
      • Observe objects in order of their setting
    3. Plan and host a star party for your Scout troop or other group such as your class at school. Use binoculars or a telescope to show and explain celestial objects to the group.
    4. Help an astronomy club in your community hold a star party that is open to the public.
    5. Personally take a series of photographs or digital images of the movement of the Moon, a planet, an asteroid or meteoroid, or a comet. In your visual display, label each image and include the date and time it was taken. Show all positions on a star chart or map. Show your display at school or at a troop meeting. Explain the changes you observed.
  10. List at least three different career opportunities in astronomy. Pick the one you in which are most interested and explain how to prepare for such a career. Discuss with your counselor what courses might be useful for such a career.
    • Science
      • astronomer
      • astrophysicist
    • Education
      • teacher
      • ranger
      • museum
      • creator of planetarium shows
    • Support
      • equipment operation
      • image processing
      • computer programming
    • Hardware
      • optics
      • design
      • construction of instruments

Introduction and requirements to hand out to Scouts

The author of these Scout-related pages welcomes comments and feedback on this material.